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Re: [casi] I'm back!

Dear Diarmuid,

You ask for contacts to link up for College Twinning, if I understand you
correctly. One such contact who comes to mind isCASI member in Baghdad,
Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar. He appears very knowledgable, seems to have strong
feelings for his country, yet Ghazwan is not a mindless sheep - he seems
capable of presenting a case honestly & with persuasiveness.

Others may have other suggestions - good luck with your project!


Bert Gedin,
Birmingham, UK.

>From: "Diarmuid" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [casi] I'm back!
>Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 05:02:20 -0000
>With lots of other things to do, I had taken myself off the list (as if
>anybody noticed!). I'm in the process of trying to force my college of FE
>twin up with a college in Iraq as an expression of solidarity with the
>and Kurdish peoples.
>If anybody has any details of contacts in Iraq who I could get in contact
>with in order to set this process in motion, could they please let me know
>as soon as possible. The idea is that it begins with a small group of
>individuals expressing solidarity, a motion has already been proposed to
>union that we extend it to union level and it is hoped that once something
>solid is in place, we can force the college through the board of governors
>to forge official links. We would like to think that other union branches
>would follow suit.
>I look forward to hearing from you.
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