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Re # 1: [casi] Unfree stuff happens to free Iraqis!

Dear Bob,

Featuring some approaches of different varieties.

# 1: The Impeachment.




Ex-weapons inspector and former Marine Scott Ritter is calling for regime
change in Washington.
By Jan Barry

05/05/03: (VIAW)Scott Ritter may be the Bush reelection team’s worse

The former UN chief weapons inspector in Iraq and card-carrying Republican
is barnstorming America with a blunt message: George W. Bush’s war on Iraq
was waged on a “bodyguard of lies.”

“We need regime change, and we need it quick,” Ritter told a gathering of
peace activists in New Jersey on Sunday. “George W. Bush does not have the
right…to represent the American people, if he told a lie. And he told a

That whopper, said Ritter, was claiming that the US government had evidence
that Saddam Hussein was hiding massive amounts of weapons of mass
destruction and that was why Iraq must be invaded. The facts, he said, are
that “the inspections worked. The United Nations did disarm Iraq.”

“I want the president impeached because he lied to the Congress of the
United States,” Ritter said. “He may well go out and tell another lie about
weapons of mass destruction” being found amid the rubble in Iraq. But,
Ritter said, any scheme to plant evidence would run afoul of professional
soldiers like those he served with in Gulf War I. “I can tell you, my fellow
officers won’t sustain that lie.”

Ritter is a former Marine major who worked as a weapons inspector for the
United Nations in Iraq from 1991 to 1998. These days he’s an antiwar
activist on a mission to pacify Washington, DC.

“What happened in Baghdad last month was not in accordance with
international law. What happened in Baghdad last month was a west Texas
lynching,” Ritter said at New Jersey Peace Action’s annual dinner, where he
was the guest of honor. “President Bush is implementing a policy of

Ritter said Americans who don’t want the United States to go the way of all
empires—which, he said, die of indigestion—will have to fight an historic
political battle over the nation’s future. “We can’t allow a bunch of
neoconservatives to hijack America,” he said. “It’s not a right-wing
fraternity pin—the American flag, we own it, the American people.”

Ritter said he has been taking his blunt message to college campuses and
other forums around the country. And when anyone demands that he support the
war in Iraq, he replies: “What part of war do you want to support?” and
describes in graphic detail the hell hole of war.

Recounting the story of a Marine in a battle in Iraq, Ritter said that a
soldier is only one face of patriotism. “Ladies and gentlemen, let me
introduce you to the other face of patriotism—the people of the United
States. … The other face of patriotism is the American citizen who gets up
in the morning” and carries out the duties and responsibilities of

“If you give up now, you are giving up on American democracy,” he said.
Ritter urged the assembled peace activists to reach out to Republicans like
himself and raise the constitutional issues and uncomfortable facts that
Bush has run roughshod over. Among those facts, he said, is this glaring

“Bush was a deserter from his unit during the Vietnam War. He doesn’t know
what it means to support the troops.”

Jan Barry, a Vietnam veteran, is a journalist living in New Jersey. Jan is
also an editor of VAIW and a contributing editor of Intervention Mag.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Montag, 5. Mai 2003 21:20
Subject: Re: [casi] Unfree stuff happens to free Iraqis!

> >So why does unfree stuff happen to free Iraqis?
> >Why are they being discriminated against by their
> >liberators?
> I must admit I have noticed a growing sense of impatience and frustration
> lately. There have been so many of these sorts of messages for so long --
> these arguments and refutations to the schemes and lies -- that it has
> become like one slap after another, with no end in sight.
> While such messages may be useful for those who are just beginning to
> wake to the truth, for most of us on this list, they are redundant. The
> time has come for all to rub our eyes and shake ourselves fully awake,
> and see the reality.
> Bush, his friends, the corporate heads and political bandits of the world
> are quite simply trying to take control of everything and institute
> world-wide fascism. All of these refutations merely cater to their
> efforts to frame the contexts of discussion and action.
> It all comes down to one thing, really: the madmen want all the power and
> wealth and will do what they can to take it.
> It's a like a small child eating up all the cake, while we say that they
> should not do that. They argue they are not eating ALL the cake, because
> there is still some left. They argue that they are only eating their fair
> share, and argue what is fair, and how much they were cheated out of the
> last cake, and how the fat people should get less, and on and on. Each
> argument has a sound refutation, but while the argument goes on, they
> continue to eat. We end up arguing with the child, on the child's terms.
> The child has already won the argument, however, because the child has
> realized that as long as the argument continues the cake is disappearing,
> and soon the argument will be over when the cake is all gone.
> The proper response is to grab the child by shirt collar and confine him
> to his room, and to stop him from eating.
> The question we have now is how to do that. Not whether it needs to be
> done, not if we can win the argument, not if we should continue to even
> listen to the lies he tells, but how to stop him, confine him.
> We -- the world -- are faced with the newest rise of insane fascist
> forces. We already know where it is going and how it will work, if we
> admit it to ourselves. It is nothing new. The reality is simple: we can
> do everything we can to stop it, or we will be plunged into fascism for
> an indeterminate future, at which time it will be too late and we will
> have to wait for it to gradually die out in a long and painful struggle
> of attrition -- finally exploding in bloody revolution. Considering the
> technology and the breadth of power, the world may not survive it this
> time.
> We, all of us, have to choose -- or the choice will be made for us, and
> we won't like it. It will take a great many of us working together, and
> we need to get a lot of people to choose, but there isn't much time left.
> We must decide how it can be stopped, and do it.
> Let's start talking about strategy!
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