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[casi] Request to CASI Experts

Hello, all. Bush's packaging of old wine in new bottles seems to have done
the trick. It seems as if all the Europeans and the mainstream domestic
opponents of the war wanted was a change of tone, not of substance.
Everything is now back on the shoulders of the movement. Our timetable
seems now to be weeks, not months, if one is to believe the pronouncements
of U.S. government officials.

The White House has put out a new white paper on Iraq, at long last. It's
available on the Web, in html or pdf.

Like the old State Department report of 1998, it's full of old, well-known
truths, old questionable statements, and some new questionable statements
(at least new to me) -- for example, there have been persistent claims that
the GOI doesn't order enough baby milk through OFF, but now there's a claim
that the GOI has actually at times deliberately cut baby milk rations,
claiming falsely that the cuts were due to US/UK holds. We'll need the
wherewithal to address this and similar claims, and just to figure out what
truth they have to them.

If any of the many experts on the details of the sanctions who are on this
list can shed light on any of the claims, it will be greatly useful to all
of us.

In solidarity,

Rahul Mahajan

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