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RE: [casi] SH and Iraq

>SH is going to be tried in US occupied Iraq, otherwise
they can't control what he might say about US complicity, deceipt,
and genocidal attacks, Philippa

===== Original Message From =====
>[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
>Congratulations to most regarding SH's capture.  Fortunately for those of us
>in the US this is far enough out that it won't do for Bush the 2nd that he
>I am sure that within in Iraq there are those in the resistance who will stop
>fighting.  Are there those who will begin fighting now due to SH not being
>able to fill a power vacuum if the OF left prior to stabilization?
>For those with a more intimate knowledge of the situation, other than the
>millions who will no longer fear SH coming back, of course the millions who
>him will feel differently, what are your thoughts on what this means both
>long and short term.  And is there any chance that a proper trial will take
>regarding the disposition of justice for SH?
>Roger Stroope
>Northern Arizona University
>Graduate Department- Anthropology
>Flagstaff USA
>Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
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