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[casi] SH and Iraq

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Congratulations to most regarding SH's capture.  Fortunately for those of us
in the US this is far enough out that it won't do for Bush the 2nd that he

I am sure that within in Iraq there are those in the resistance who will stop
fighting.  Are there those who will begin fighting now due to SH not being
able to fill a power vacuum if the OF left prior to stabilization?

For those with a more intimate knowledge of the situation, other than the
millions who will no longer fear SH coming back, of course the millions who loved
him will feel differently, what are your thoughts on what this means both
long and short term.  And is there any chance that a proper trial will take place
regarding the disposition of justice for SH?

Roger Stroope
Northern Arizona University
Graduate Department- Anthropology
Flagstaff USA

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