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[casi] tactics of tyrants

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Interesting.  On the IPO  site  (with a stated purpose of:

Mission Statement

The IPO is a network of young Iraqi men and women working to promote the
establishment of democracy in Iraq.


1. To promote the establishment of a proportional democracy

2. The participation of young Iraqi men and women in the political process

3. The increased understanding amongst young Iraqi men and women about
democratic values and civil society

We find the tactics of Saddam as:

The following are direct quotes from Iraqi government
<>documents, outlining
the plan of action for the Marshes:

"Mr. Leader President (May God Preserve him)." Steps include: "technical
security operations against terrorist elements in the Marshes, such as
poisoning, explosions, and burning of houses against friends and relatives
of subversives in the Marsh areas as a lesson to others"; assassination of
"hostile elements"; controlling traffic; burning and demolishing houses;
use of planes; and "continuing the economic blockade more efficiently to
limit provision of their daily living needs," by: withdrawing all food
supply agencies, banning the sale of fish, "taking the most severe measures
against those who supply food to deserters and unlawful and hostile
elements,' prohibiting the traffic of goods, and using tribes.
(<>Dated January 30, 1989)


Now go over that list again and see how many of those same tactics are used
by the Israelis against the Palestinians -- or more recently by the US
against Iraqis.

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