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RE: iraq - fax attack! - Just don't do it ! (fwd)

This was sent to the GSN list - in case you didn't get it, here it is:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 98 13:42:00 gmt
From: M.A. Richards H9602529 <>
To: gsn <>, owner-gsn <>
Subject: RE: iraq - fax attack! - Just don't do it !

Dear Seb,
Without getting too technical about it, the "Free email to fax service" is 
not geared up to cope with the demands you are suggesting in this email. The 
service which is provided for free, will only work for a few people at any 
one time. If lots of people try to fax via email using this service, the 
constant engaged tone that is generated may cause the server to delete the 
number from the service - this would result in no one being able to fax to 
that number again. This seems to be the case with Robin Cook's fax number.
What this letter may produce, if people comply, is that they will receive 
lots of returned emails, and not getting through to the destination at all.
Thus, it will cost people (those without free access) time and effort 
without any effect, and cost them to pay for the returned emails, and really 
turn people off from writing to MP's in future, or using this email to fax 
service at all.
The email to fax service is best not used for fax blockading or mass faxes - 
because it will backfire on you, and piss a lot of people off.
The service is best used to efficiently, and cheaply, fax between groups for 
networking - and for lobbying sporadically.
If you find that all the numbers are deleted from the service - try 
emailing the operators of the service claiming that they are actually 
genuine numbers to get them reinstated.
Yours quickly,
Mark Richards
Let me know how you get on, in case it works.

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