The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

Views expressed in this archived message are those of the author, not of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Dear CASI discussion list members,

Most list members will be aware that CASI is undergoing a period of
transition, seeking a new mandate and focus amidst the continuing
confusion in Iraq. The new CASI committee believes that providing and
circulating new information and analysis, central to CASI's work during
sanctions, remains a useful and pressing function to which CASI can
usefully contribute.

In the past, the discussion list (casi-discuss) has been an important part
of this function. Recently, however, the list has begun to lose many of
its members, some of whom have expressed their concern that the list is no
longer useful as a source of information and analysis. The list has also
had its share of external disruption over the past months.

In an effort to improve the situation, the committee has decided to alter
the way in which its list works.

1. A new list, "casi-analysis", is to be established, onto which all
current "casi-discuss" members will be placed. This list will be strongly
moderated. It aims to fulfil a different function to the discussion list.
It is intended as a forum where members should only post information
resources and analysis about the humanitarian situation in Iraq. In
particular, news articles without analysis or commentary (which currently
make up the bulk of the "casi-discuss" postings) should not be posted to
the "casi-analysis" list. If news postings or off-topic messages are
posted to "casi-analysis", they will be returned to the sender.

This new list is intended to function as a concise and focussed forum for
sharing new information and analysis. We hope that it will resurrect some
of CASI's pre-war provision of information. In particular, we hope that
threads of postings will be more joined up, and that particular themes
will be pursued in some detail.

2. Some list members have expressed a desire for a more open discussion
forum. In the immediate future, we will maintain the existing discussion
list. In the longer term, we hope that the new analysis list will become
the main forum for discussion within CASI, and that the existing
discussion list will either be ended or will continue beyond CASI.

3. To avoid cross-posting, current subscribers to "casi-discuss" will be
placed on "casi-analysis". Important postings needing to reach all list
members should therefore be sent to "casi-analysis", which we hope will
become the main forum for information. List members wishing to receive
less messages are advised to usubscribe from casi-discuss (this can be
done at

4. To post to the new analysis list, send email to . To contact the moderator, send email to To unsubscribe or change your subscription
details, visit

5. Moderation guidelines for the analysis list are included at the bottom
of this email. The main changes are that news postings are strictly forbidden, and that all 
messages must be approved by the moderator.

We hope that list members will find the new list helpful, and help to make
it a success, providing an important forum for high-quality information
about the situation in Iraq. We'd appreciate feedback about this new

Many thanks,
the CASI committee

The moderator will read all messages, and distribute suitable ones to the
list. In selecting messages, he or she will be guided by the following

Messages sent to the list should be directly relevant to the humanitarian
implications of the foreign occupation of Iraq and to the impact of US and
UK policy upon the people and society of Iraq. They should be concise,
inoffensive, polite, and should make a new point rather than just
reiterating previous posts. Posters should attempt to offer positive
solutions as well as commenting on existing conditions.

If you are in any doubt as to the appropriateness of a particular message
you are considering sending to the list, please seek advice from the list
moderator on before proceeding.

News items should never be sent to the analysis list.

Messages with attached files should never be sent to the list. The list
server will enforce this policy by stripping out any attachments before
messages are distributed. There are several reasons for this policy,
including the serious risk of transmitting viruses and the clogging up
members' inboxes with huge messages. Furthermore, messages which contain
the same message text encoded both in plain text and in HTML will have the
HTML part stripped before distribution. Again, this is to reduce the risk
of transmitting viruses and to reduce the size of messages.

When replying to specific points in someone else's email, it is common to
quote a few lines of their original email to provide context to your
comments. This is useful practice in moderation, but please do not quote
excessive quantities of text in this manner. People can always refer to
the original message on the list archive.

The decision of the moderator is final.

Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
To unsubscribe, visit
To contact the list manager, email
All postings are archived on CASI's website:

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