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Re: [casi] reconstruction charities

Dear Dan,
                I have had the same dilemma in the past as yourselves. Consequently, I divide my 
modest donations equally between the international charities' Iraq appeals, which are published in 
the press. As an Iraqi, I know they have worldwide experience, resources and credibility. The Iraqi 
ones are generally smaller, less organised but are more familiar with their country's situation and 
culture. Therefore, they, too, serve the purpose.
In brief, don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Finally, it is the thought that counts, not the amount or the individual charity.

>>> Daniel O'Huiginn <> 04/27 4:50 pm >>>

Hi all,
CASI has been receiving a fair number of emails asking for advice on
making donations to humanitarian organisations working in Iraq. I wonder
if list members have had good or bad experiences of particular
organisations, or have any insight into where donations would do the most
good at present? There has been particular interest in giving money to
groups run by Iraqis, rather than international aid organisations, so
comments on this would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,
Dan O'Huiginn

Daniel O'Huiginn
07789 260207 01223 564613
O9, Queens College

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