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Re: [casi] Opposing War Is Good, But Not Good Enough

The article by Faleh Jabar is a good article.

In essence it is similar to the proposals we have been working on with the Iraqi opposition viz
a) Set the objective as arresting Saddam Hussain and the top people in the regime
b) Provide support for the opposition

he says:

Such continued pressure, a political onslaught, should be backed by threat of force. A few warning 
shots may well be sufficient. This would help split the ruling group and >embolden the people to 
take matters into their hands.


Where we add to his proposals is in having mechanisms for protecting those who might be at risk of 
revenge attacks.  (amongst other things) The opposition propose an amnesty for those apart from the 
ones at the top of the regime.  There needs to be some scheme for protecting those who are part of 
the regime, but at a lower level.

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