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Re: [casi] Re: Turkish Troops Arrested in N Iraq

Hi Felicity, Anai and all interested,

The story's dragging on...



1) American’s Suleymaniyeh operation was broader than just Turkish Special
2) [Turkish Original of 1:] Süleymaniye operasyonu daha genis



American’s Suleymaniyeh operation was broader than just Turkish Special

07 July 2003

[Translated from Turkish; originally published in Ozgur Politika newspaper,
7 July 2003. ]

[Summary]: The background to the [American] operation carried out on Friday
in the city of Suleymaniyeh in South [Iraqi] Kurdistan in which 11 Turkish
military personnel were taken into custody indicates that it was a reaction
to the prevocational activities of the Turkish military personnel in the


It is reported that the US operation was not directed only at the Turkish
Special Forces team, but also at the Iraqi Turkoman Front [ITC], which is
organized by Turkish intelligence. US officials have confirmed that a group
of Turkish military personnel are still being detained. An American military
official who made a statement yesterday in Kirkuk said that there was a
raid. The US military is still seeking to determine these peoples
identities, but I believe they are all Turkish.

In the Turkoman Front headquarters that was raided, approximately 100
kilograms of TNT, intended to be used in assassinations, was seized, as well
as a large number of Kalashnikov infantry rifles and various other assorted


The office utilized by the Special Forces personnel was the main
coordination center for Turkish activities in Suleymaniyeh and the vicinity.

The operation, launched on Friday against the liaison office of the Turkish
Special Operations Team in Dar al-Amin Street, was extensive in this

Accordingly, the ITC headquarters in Suleymaniyeh, the ITCs TERT-2 radio
station, a kindergarten, and the Turkoman Culture Center were raided as
well. A total of 47 people were detained in the operation. In the first
raid, a total of 17 people were taken into custody, consisting of 8 Special
Forces personnel (3 officers and 8 non-commissioned officers), a Turkoman
woman employed as a cook, her son, 1 Kurdish employee, and 3 peshmergehs
[Kurdish guerrilla fighters] serving as guards. The woman and her son were
later released.

In two raids that followed this one, 13 ITC militants were taken into
custody. The number of people taken into custody in the operation carried
out against the ITC headquarters in Kirkuk is not clear. All the personnel
in the buildings belonging to the Turkomans were
detained for four hours.

Weapons seized

A great many weapons and documents belonging to the Turkish military,
Turkish intelligence, and the Turkoman front were seized in the Operation
carried out by the American military in Suleymaniyeh. The US soldiers, who
took a truckload full of material out of the Turkish Special Operations
Teams liaison office and sent it to Kirkuk, then locked up the office.

In the Turkoman Front headquarters that was raided, approximately 100
kilograms of TNT, intended to be used in assassinations, was seized, as well
as a large number of Kalashnikov infantry rifles and various other assorted

The Turkoman Front had not turned in the weapons, although the United States
had earlier made calls for it to do so. The United States had announced that
it would not permit anyone, apart from its own forces and those charged with
providing security, to carry arms in the region.

Turkoman Front has also hidden a great many weapons outside of its

The Turkoman Front, however, had not obeyed this and, trusting in the
protection of the Turkish military, had been keeping the heavy weapons in
its possession as an element of threat. It is being reported that the
Americans had begun an investigation as well as intelligence work in order
to turn up the Turkoman Fronts hidden weapons. It is noted that the Turkoman
Front has also hidden a great many weapons outside of its headquarters.

The Turkomans whose arms were seized were given permission to re-enter their
buildings yesterday afternoon, and the radio then resumed broadcasting.

The detention of four Turkoman militants still continues. It is noteworthy
that, after the Turkish Special Forces personnel were detained and taken to
Kirkuk, they were placed into a military prison that the Americans have
previously used to hold pro-Saddam Bathists.

People both pleased and angry

Turkeys efforts to create chaos in South Kurdistan by playing the Turkoman
card, and its stationing of military and intelligence personnel there for
this purpose, have for years occasioned harsh reactions among the people.

While the American militarys detention of the Turkish soldiers and its
closure of the office were met with joy by the people, the PUK [Patriotic
Union of Kurdistan], which has protected these troops for years, is being

It is stated that the lack of coverage given to this large-scale operation
in the television and newspaper media of the PUK and the KDP [Kurdistan
Democratic Party] derives from the deep ties that these parties have had
with Turkey for more than ten years.

The office in question had earlier been assigned by the PUK to the Turkish
military. PUK peshmergehs had provided its security. People are pointing out
that the PUK had allowed the Turkish military to engage in this much
damaging activity, and that this force in the end was planning
assassinations of PUK leader Jalal Talabani and the governor of Kirkuk.

It is not known how this incident that took place in Suleymaniyeh, which is
controlled by the PUK, will impact the visit of PUK leader Talabani, who was
expected to visit Ankara on Monday.



07-Temmuz 2003 Pazartesi

Süleymaniye operasyonu daha genis

Güney Kürdistan'in Süleymaniye kentinde Cuma aksami gerçeklestirilen
baskinda 11 Türk subayinin gözaltina alinmasi olayinin perde arkasi,
bölgedeki Türk askeri varliginin kiskirtici faaliyetlere dayandigini


ABD operasyonunun, sadece Türk özel timi degil, Türk istihbaratinin
örgütledigi Irak Türkmen Cephesi'ne yönelik oldugu da kaydedildi. ABD'li
askeri yetkililer, bir grup Türk askerinin halen gözaltinda oldugunu
dogruladi. Kerkük'te dün açiklama yapan bir Amerikan askeri yetkili, "Bir
baskin oldu. ABD ordusu halen bunlarin kimligini tespit etmeye çalisiyor,
ama sanirim hepsi Türk" diye konustu.

Özel harekatçilarin kullandigi büro, Süleymaniye ve çevresindeki Türk
faaliyetlerinin ana koordine merkeziydi. Cuma günü Türk Özel Harekat
Timi'nin bulundugu Der El Emin caddesindeki irtibat bürosuna yönelik
operasyon bu çerçevede genis tutuldu.

Buna göre, Süleymaniye'deki ITC karargahi, ITC'nin TERT-2 Radyosu, bir
anaokul ve Türkmen Kültür Merkezi de basildi. Operasyon kapsaminda toplam 47
kisi gözaltina alindi. Ilk baskinda 3'ü subay 8'i astsubay olmak üzere 11
özel harekatçi, asçi olarak çalisan bir Türkmen kadin ile oglu, 1 Kürt
hizmetli ve koruma görevi yapan 3 pesmerge olmak üzere 17 kisi
tutuklanmisti. Kadin ve oglu daha sonra serbest birakildi. Daha sonraki iki
baskinda da 13 ITC militani tutuklandi. Kerkük'teki ITC karargahina
düzenlenen operasyonda gözaltina alinanlarin sayisi net degil. Türkmenlere
ait binalarda bulunan tüm personel 4 saat gözaltinda tutuldu.

Silahlara el konuldu

Amerikan ordusunun Süleymaniye'de düzenledigi operasyonda, Türk askerleri,
istihbarati ve Türkmen Cephesi'ne ait birçok belge ve silaha da el konuldu.
Türk Özel Harekat Timi irtibat bürosundan bir kamyon dolusu malzeme
çikararak Kerkük'e gönderen Amerikan askerleri, büroya kilit vurdu. Basilan
Türkmen Cephesi karargahinda ise suikast amaçli yaklasik 100 kilogram TNT
ile büyük miktarda Kalasnikov marka piyade tüfekleri ve farkli markalarda
silahlar ele geçirildi. ABD, daha önce çagrilar yapmasina ragmen Türkmen
Cephesi silahlari teslim etmemisti. ABD, bölgede kendi güçleri ve güvenligi
saglamakla görevlendirilenler disinda kimsenin silah tasimasina izin
vermeyecegini bildirmisti. Türkmen Cephesi ise buna uymadi ve Türk ordusunun
himayesine güvenerek elindeki agir silahlarini tehdit unsuru olarak tuttu.
Türkmen Cephesi'ndeki gizli silahlarin ortaya çikarilmasi için de
Amerikalilarin sorusturma baslattiklari ve istihbarat çalismasi yürüttükleri
kaydediliyor. Türkmen Cephesi'nin karargah disinda birçok silah sakladigina
dikkat çekiliyor.

Silahlari toplanan Türkmenlere önceki gün ögleden sonra binalarina girme
izni verildi, radyo da tekrar yayina basladi. 4 Türkmen militanin
tutuklulugu devam ediyor. Türk özel harekatçilarin tutuklanip Kerkük'e
götürüldükten sonra, Amerikalilarin daha çok Saddam Hüseyin yanlisi
Baasçilari hapsettikleri askeri bir hapisaneye yerlestirmeleri dikkat

Halk hem sevinçli hem kizgin

Türkiye'nin Türkmen kartini kullanarak Güney Kürdistan'da karisiklik
yaratmaya çalismasi, bu amaçla asker ve istihbaratini burada tutmasi, halk
arasinda yillardir sert tepkiyle karsilaniyordu. Amerikan ordusunun Türk
askerlerini gözaltina almasi ve büroyu kapatmasi, halk arasinda ise sevinçle
karsilanirken, bu askerlere yillardir barindiran YNK ise elestiriliyor.
Genis kapsamli operasyona PDK ve YNK televizyonlari ile gazetelerinde yer
verilmemesi ise bu partilerin 10 yildan uzun süredir Türkiye ile
sürdürdükleri derin iliskiden kaynaklandigi belirtiliyor.

Sözkonusu büro daha önce YNK tarafindan Türk ordusuna tahsis edilmisti.
Güvenligini de YNK pesmergeleri sagliyordu. Halk, YNK'nin Türk ordusunun
bunca tahribatlarina izin verdigini, bu gücün sonunda YNK lideri Celal
Talabani ve Kerkük Valisi'ne yönelik de suikast planladigina dikkat çekiyor.

YNK kontrolü altindaki Süleymaniye'de meydana gelen olay, YNK lideri Celal
Talabani'nin Pazartesi günü Ankara'ya yapmasi beklenen ziyareti ne sekilde
etkileyecegi ise bilinmiyor.

----- Original Message -----
From: "farbuthnot" <>
To: <>
Sent: Samstag, 5. Juli 2003 17:43
Subject: [casi] Re: Turkish Troops Arrested in N Iraq

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Turkey Protests Arrest Of Its Troops In N. Iraq
"This is a repugnant incident that should never have happened," Erdogan
By Sa'ad Abdul Maguid, IOL Turkey Correspondent
ANKARA, July 5 ( - The Turkish foreign ministry lodged a
protest with the U.S. administration late Friday, July 4, over American
forces storming of the headquarters of Turkish special troops in the
northern Iraqi city of As-Sulaymaniyah and the rounding up of 11 Turkish
About 100 U.S. soldiers stormed the local offices of the Turkish special
forces after cutting the telephone lines and transferred them to the
northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk on suspicions of plotting an attack on the
Kurdish governor of Kirkuk.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was reportedly furious at the
U.S. raid on his troops.
"This is a repugnant incident that should never have happened," Anatolia
news agency quoted Erdogan as saying.
"We cannot accept this," Erdogan protested, condemning the U.S. for
"behavior unworthy of two allied countries in a coalition".
The Turkish leader told Anatolia he had demanded the immediate release of
the men.
He said Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul had discussed the arrests with U.S.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had assured him that the Turkish
soldiers were safe and that he would do what he could to have them freed.
The Turkish deputy chief of staff released a statement, which slammed the
incident as a mistake that would affect the U.S.-Turkish relations which
date back to half a century.
The statement denied that the Turkish troops were planning to assassinate
the governor of Kirkuk, asserting that Turkish troops were officially
deployed in northern Iraq in coordination with the U.S. to monitor the
situation in northern Iraqi cities dominated by Turkmen.
Washington and Ankara agreed April 10 on deploying Turkish military
observers in northern Iraq. A 30-strong Turkish unit was then sent there.
The U.S. assured Ankara that it would send reinforcements to Kirkuk to
replace Kurdish forces who seized the city after the downfall of Baghdad.
Three officers and eight non-commissioned officers were arrested on Friday
in Sulaymaniyah, the Turkish daily Hurriyet newspaper reported.
It added that following the incident Turkey had closed the border gate of
al-Khabour and only allowed U.N. vehicles to pass.

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