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[casi] A forum to defend Mr. Galloway

Dear Colleagues,

     Hear in the US, we have  no one like Mr. Galloway to defend in our
legislative body. Outside money defeated the remarkably candid and
decent Rep. Cynthia McKinney.

     For that reason, not to say that the lies against Mr. Galloway are
unraveling much like the lies about the WMD (apart from the US/UK
sanctions hidden behind the UN
fig leaf), may am putting in the url for a site that has some of the
latest regarding this
shameful episode and how to work against it.

   Frankly, I believe CASI becomes sterile, unless like our distinguish
colleague Glen Ringwalla (sp?)  in CASI who uncovered and made public 
the plagiarism in the UK gov. dossier, it translates its understandings
into concrete actions to supplement the valuable repository and research

For fighting for those who dare utter truth in public, risking their
professional hides in the process, please consider:


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