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[casi] 17 MARCH: National Day of Die-ins

1) US war plans - timing
2) 17 MARCH National Day of Action
3) Reclaim the Bases

1) US war plans - timing

After my last email was circulated, it became clear that informed opinion
was converging on 23-25 March as a likely planned start date for war.

Right now, it looks like the Turkish anti-war movement (which seems to be
the whole of the
population), via the Turkish parliament, may have put back the US schedule,
perhaps to 1 April or so.


At the Pledge Gathering on 1 March (thanks to the London Action Resource
Centre for hosting us) a group of 50 or so activists from
around the country decided to call for a Week of Nonviolent Action to Stop
the War from 17th - 23rd March, kicking off with a National Day of Die-ins
on the 17th. Actions will also be taking place at USAF Fairford and the US
spy base at Menwith Hill on March 22nd. More are in the pipeline.

The idea for the 17th is that groups around the country are being asked to
organise some form of die-in on that Monday. It could involve risking
arrest, by being on a public highway (anything other than private property,
this includes pavements as well as roads).

Or it might be a non-arrestable action, either held somewhere where arrest
is unlikely and/or an action
where everyone taking part intends to get up when warned by the police.

The idea is that this opens up the day for everyone to be able to
participate in to the extent and intensity that they feel able and willing
to go to.

Some people may do a non-arrestable die-in in the high street (there was
just such a half-hour die-in a
couple of weeks ago in Hastings). Others may try to do a die-in on a B-52.
Some people may try to disrupt traffic. Others may make their point outside
a government building.

What should unite us all is that we oppose war, with or without this empty
and fraudulent second
resolution. All actions for the Week should conform to the Pledge
nonviolence formula and 'not harm or dehumanise any other person'.

There will be some handy hints and guidelines posted on the ARROW website before the end of the week.

If you are intending to call an open 'mass' die-in which involves a risk of
arrest, please do try to hold a
nonviolent direct action training session beforehand, and advertise this as
well as the place and time of the die-in. Please do also use our bustcard,
and try to find a sympathetic local solicitor to help with legal support on
the day. Finally, please let us know about your action so that we can help
publicise it: 0845 458 2564 or e-mail!

3) Reclaim the Bases

On the first weekend in April, 5-6 April, there will be  nonviolent direct
action at a number of military bases  around the UK.
<>. I
urge everyone receiving this message to check out the
site and to attend one of the protests, if only to be a
supportive presence. (It's nice for those arrested to
have people waiting for you at the police station
afterwards, too.)

In an earlier email, I gave the impression that there
was a contradiction between organising mass actions
(in cities) for mid-March and organising mass actions
(at bases) in early April.

This was wrong: there is some tension between the
two, and in this case it's an entirely healthy tension. If
there is a war in late March/1 April, it is important
that we deliver the most powerful message we can
that the anti-war movement has not gone away, and
that our protests will continue at full volume until the
war/threat of war is lifted.

Reclaim the Bases is an excellent way of delivering that
message, if war has started. If war hasn't started, it is
still an excellent way of building up the direct action

On a personal note, I would like apologise to D10, the
main organising group, for having knocked their plans.
I asked them to think again. They did think again: they
decided to go ahead with the weekend. I fully support
them in that decision. I personally am 100% behind
'Reclaim the Bases' and I hope it is a storming success.

Best wishes

Milan Rai
ARROW and voices uk

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