The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

Views expressed in this archived message are those of the author, not of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[casi] reminder about list membership administration

Dear list,

A number of people have been writing to me with subscription or
unsubscription requests recently. This message is just to remind you all
that you can administer your list membership yourself from the
following web address:

(nb- there is no www before lists)

At the bottom of this page, enter in your email address. You will then be
taken to a page which allows you to change your subscription options.
>From here you can also get your password emailed to you automatically if
you have forgotten it.

I'll still deal with any requests that come to me directly, but the
automated software provides a rather more instantaneous service - and
it is probably more patient too if you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe

best wishes,
CASI lists manager

Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
To unsubscribe, visit
To contact the list manager, email
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