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Re: [casi] The Sweeney.

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In a message dated 07/21/2002 7:45:04 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> "what stimulates thinking & knowledge, of world
> affairs, in Iraq?" can be found when one visits Iraq and gains first-hand
> knowledge there of its affairs... One thing I can tell you: you will be
> surprised

I watched a program three nights ago on CNN or MSNBC, ??, it was Ashley B. in
Baghdad.  A portion of the show centered on her interviewing Iraqi citizens.
She was accompanied by a 'monitor' dressed in a shirt and slacks, smoking a
cigarette and giving a relatively wide berth to the people involved.  He
stood a respectful ten to fifteen feet away and glanced around at his
surrounding without paying too much attention to what was going on with the
US cameras.

What was fascinating to me, the responses of the people.  First of all they
were speaking english, some better than some people I know here in US.  I was
further amazed at the lack of bitterness expressed towards the people of the
US, even towards our government.  They were certainly not pro-Bush, (nor am
I), but they were not abusive or belligerent in their replies.  They answered
questions articulately and posed some of their own to show the utter
hypocrisy of the position of the US.  I was touched by their understanding of
the situations, their demeanor, and how open they were with this strange
woman asking them questions.

In fact the only misbehaving I saw, was by Ashley Banfield as she tried her
best to get someone to say something negative about SH.  (It was reminiscent
of people trying to draw Gaz and Nermin into negative speak towards SH.)
Since we, and SHE, know this could carry a potential death sentence, I
thought it was atrocious.

After the program I loved the people of Iraq more.  Oppressed but not
hateful.  Beat-up but not broken.  Would that the North Americans I speak to
were as well informed and as willing to see the good in others as these
people in Baghdad.

Roger Stroope
Peace is a Human Right
Austin College

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