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[casi] Letters to the Observer about Sweeny's piece

Dear listmembers,
The Observer has a shocking track record on its reporting of
sanctions and of responding adequately to reader letters and
complaints. For example, a recent article by Nick Cohen generated
a large number of letters, coordinated in part by MediaLens
( The Observer printed not
a single one of them, but the Observer editor Roger Alton responded
by email to one of the letter writers who forwarded
their letter directly to him. Alton wrote:
``This is just not true ... it's saddam who's killing all the bloody
children, not sanctions. Sorry"

This is the view of the EDITOR. This what we're up against with the
Observer. So, I do encourage people to send a letter, no matter how short
-- in fact short is good. If we can keep count of the number of letters it
might be useful, so please send a note to Voices UK
( to say you've done it, or forward them the
letter. Then, if the Observer publishes none of them, we can ask how many
letters it takes to get a response.

best wishes,

+  Fay Dowker                       Physics Department               +
+                                   Queen Mary, University of London +
+  E-mail:       Mile End Road,                   +
+  Phone:  +44-(0)20-7882-5047      London E1 4NS.                   +
+  Fax:    +44-(0)20-8981-9465                                       +
+  Homepage:          +

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