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Excuse me: UN Special UN Repporteur Calls Iraq to improve its human rights?

Excuse me but.............

Something is missing here!  The UN has been intentionally
committing genocide of  Iraqi Arabs for 10 years,  permitted
the US to destroy their country;  allowed the racially-designed
partition of their country and setting up a racially exclusive government;
appointed itself  Iraq's economic Masters-in-Exile;
created a huge bureaucracy within the UN sustained, flourishing,
profiting  and dependent upon  "appropriated"  revenue
stolen from the suffering and dying Iraqi Arab population;  created
super secret  UNSCOM  to facilitate international spying
by Iraq's enemies and predatory nations;  permits illegally imposed
"No Fly Zones"  that are admittedly "Free Fire and Training Zones"
for US and British military and air  forces;  condones the
unrelenting US-led TERROR WAR OF ATTRITION being waged
with impunity against Iraq; allows Turkey to repeatedly invade, occupy,
bomb, destroy and kill in Northern Iraq;  rendered Iraq defenseless
against its current attackers and destroyers and the Middle East's
most threatening, lethal, unrestrainable and unsanctioned predator
and past attacker, Israel;
........and the Special Rapporteur calls on Iraq to improve its
"human rights" and "comply" with insidious UN
Resolutions designed primarily by the world's two
most notoriously anti-Arab racist, warring and predatory nations
that continue to "block" essentials for sustaining life?
I respectfully submit the following closing paragraphs from
"Contrasting the Theoretical Just War Doctrine
with the Strategic Air Campaign of the Persian Gulf
Conflict", by Raleigh Finlayson.

(The article is an analysis of  the execution of the war against Iraq
in which the "Decapitation Strategy" developed by Col. John Warden III
was employed.)

"The two most significant issues raised in assessing the degree to which
the strategic air campaign followed jus in bello are proportionality and
discrimination. Recalling that just proportionality requires a rough measure
of a goal's relative good compared with the unintended losses involved in
achieving that goal, I conclude that the collateral devastation wrought
upon the Iraqi economic infrastructure was not proportionate with the
liberation of Kuwait. In January 1991, President Bush explained his
confidence in the strategic air campaign's justified use of proportionality:

We all know that war never comes easy or cheap. War is never without
tragedy. But when a war must be fought for the greater good, it is our
gravest obligation to conduct a war in proportion to the threat. And that
is why we must act reasonably, humanely, and make every effort possible
to keep casualties to a minimum. And we have done so. I'm very
proud of our military in achieving this end.35

Yet the consequences of the air campaign produced an over~vhelmingly
disproportionate effect on civilians through the decimation of life-support
systems such as food, water sanitation, energy used for heating residential
homes, and lack of medical supplies to treat epidemics. Iraq's annexation
of Kuwait was unquestionably a significant violation of the just use
of force, and resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 Kuwaiti citizens. However,
in theoretical just war terms of proportionality, the air campaign reduced a
once modern, technologically advanced Iraqi culture to essentially a nineteenth
century, pre-industrial society within a matter of months.36

The issue of discrimination is at the center of the just war analysis in this
case study. I have found no evidence in the existimg literature that suggest
the strategic targeting planners or the CENTCOM leaders directly sought
to destroy civilian residential homes. In fact, the literature indicates that
just the opposite is true. The leaders at the highest levels of CENTCOM
actively tried to avoid civilian casualties. However, evidence shows a conscious
effort to pursue psychological operations on civilian populations in order to
effectively execute the objectives of the decapitation strategy mentioned above.
John Warden considered strikes on the economic infrastructure directed to
convince the Iraqi populace that a bright economic and political future would
result from the replacement of the Saddam Hussein regime. 37 Again, all
evidence shows that military planners were not intentionally trying to produce
the type of humanitarian catastrophe that followed the war. However, negligence
of possible consequence is no excuse in just war theory. The fact that the
strategic air campaign actively sought to pursue political objectives by
inconveniencing the Iraqi civilian population through manipulation of
life-support components of the Iraqi infrastructure signals a salient departure
from the just war principle of discrimination. Based on the history of the
just war theory and an examination of the Persian Gulf Crisis,
the strategic air campaign was thus unjust."
(emphasis added by sender)

   Cyprus-Iraq-UN Special Rapporteur

    UN Special Rapporteur calls on Iraq to comply with UN resolutions
Athens, Aug. 16, IRNA -- UN Special Rapporteur for the situation
of human rights in Iraq, retired Cypriot Ambassador Andreas
Mavrommatis, has prepared a draft report on the situation to be
presented before the General Assembly in early October.
Mavrommatis recently visited Kuwait and London and held contacts
with US administration officials in Cyprus, and is expected to
visit France to discuss the impact of UN sanctions against Iraq.
      In an interview with Cyprus news agency CNA on Wednesday,
Mavrommatis said it was imperative that he should visit Iraq for an on
the spot investigation, adding that during his recent visits he dealt
with the issue of missing persons in Kuwait.
      He stressed that his goal is to secure Iraq's cooperation in human
rights issues so, through dialogue and persuasion, the situation in
the country will improve.
      ''It is absolutely necessary for me to visit Iraq for an on
the spot investigation and my objective is to embark on a dialogue
with the government of Iraq to see how it will start complying
with its international obligations,'' Mavrommatis said.
      He described his cooperation so far with Iraqi officials as
"encouraging", but also said that Baghdad follows a general policy of
non-cooperation with the UN, which affects his own task.
Mavrommatis appealed to Iraq to cooperate and implement the
provisions of UN Security Council resolution 1284 (1999) relating
to the programme "oil for food".
      The preliminary report will be given to Iraq for comment before it
is submitted to the UN Assembly, he explained.
      Replying to questions, the Special Rapporteur said the purpose of
his visit to Kuwait was to look into the issue of the fate of some 605
missing persons.
      Mavrommatis said he told Iraqi government officials there
can be no excuse in delaying the resolution of this humanitarian
      "We talked about the problems the investigatory committee is
facing, which are due to Iraq's refusal to participate in the
proceedings of the committee since the US and Britain bombed the
exclusion zones in northern and southern Iraq," he explained,
referring to his meetings in Kuwait.
      The committee, chaired by the International Red Cross, comprises
Britain, the US, France, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.
       Iraq said it would provide more information and submit its own
list of missing persons, he added.
       In London the Special Rapporteur met with organised groups,
who oppose the Iraqi Baathist regime, who gave him information about
executions, arrests, torture, expulsions and other violations.
       ''I also met with the Iraqi Ambassador in Geneva and communicated
to him the information I have, asking for a response within a
specified time limit," Mavrommatis said.
       He said that after the UN Assembly, he intends to visit Jordan,
Iran and any other country, if needed, for more contacts.


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