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Your response is appreciated, however, I understand that a CASI
Moonirah of H.E.L.P. has already posted their message to the CASI Iraq
They were the first to post the official full text of UN Resolution 1284
followed it with their own message that included suggestion to all
It is curious that as yet, we have not received it via the CASI Iraq
list ?
We all support various international 'humanitarian' issues around the
With respect to your query, may I state that it would be better to pose
questions direct to the H.E.L.P. organisation's UK Voluntary
Co-ordinator ?
> E-mail: <>
> Organization:HOSTAGES' ENVOYS for LIBERTY of PRISONERS in Iraq = H.E.L.P.
> In peace,
> HH
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mambo No. 6 wrote:
> * H.E.L.P. was initiated in the UK at the end of 1997 to re-address the
> * balance of global focus, being very glad that there had always been
> * innumerous world groups and organisations battling for the sake of
> * innocent Iraqi civilians inside Iraq - however, if 'humanitarians' do
> * care for the whole of 'humanity', surely it is only fair to consider
> * lives of the 605 awaited detainees.
> I speak here as an individual, not in my capacity as CASI committee
> member.
> I want to express my agreement with the "mission statement" of H.E.L.P.
> and my feeling that it is a very worthwhile persuit.  I regret, however,
> the use of the phrase "re-address the balance of global focus."  The
> paragraph above seems to imply that campaigners for the liberation of
> Kuwaiti prisoners and campaigners for the lifting of sanctions to
> aleiviate humanitarian suffering must be at odds.
> If H.E.L.P. is not pro-sanctions then we are both groups whose concerns
> are humanitarian, not political, and this implied polarisation between us
> only fits in with the political scenario and the media's portrayal.
> Hence it should not be a question of "re-addressing the balance" from
> suffering of Iraqis to suffering of Kuwaitis, but of a combined effort
> of emphasising the human tragedy entailed in this situation while the
> politicians manouevre.
> I wonder, therefore, if H.E.L.P. would further clarify its position on
> this for me.
> Yours sincerely
> Mark Sinjakli
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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