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AP on new Security Council Resolution: passed with abstentions from Russia, France, China

>                 Key points of U.N. Council's new resolution on Iraq
                  December 17, 1999

                  UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- The U.N. Security
Council's new landmark
                  resolution on Iraq would restart arms inspections in
Iraq and suspend
                  trade sanctions if Baghdad complies with disarmament

                  The sanctions were imposed when Iraq invaded Kuwait in
August 1990.
                  The scrapping of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
are a key                           requirement for easing the
sanctions. Arms inspectors have not been
                  in Iraq since a bombing campaign by the United States
and Britain
                  a year ago. 

                  Following are the main points of the resolution. 

                  ARMS CONTROL 

                  The new arms watchdog, called UNMOVIC, or the U.N.
                  Verification and Inspection Commission, would replace
the current U.N.
                  Special Commission. U.N. Secretary- General Kofi Annan
has to appoint
                  an executive chairman of UNMOVIC subject to council
approval within 30
                  days of adoption of the resolution. 

                  UNMOVIC, searching for Iraq's chemical, biological
and                                  ballistic-missile programs, and the
International Atomic Energy
                  Agency (IAEA), concerned with Iraq's nuclear programs,
would draw up
                  work schedules within 60 days after they begin
                  They would submit a list of key disarmament tasks to
Iraq, subject
                  to council approval. 

                  OIL EXPORTS 

                  Immediately after the resolution is adopted, the cap
is lifted on
                  how much oil Iraq can sell, now set at $5.26 billion
every six
                  months under an "oil-for-food" program. But all other
                  including depositing Iraq's oil revenues into an
escrow fund,
                  would stay in place. 

                  The council promises to consider additional Iraqi oil
                  routes in addition to those now used: the Gulf port of
Mina al-Bakr
                  and a pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan. 

                  Parts and equipment to upgrade Iraq's oil industry
will also be
                  expedited through pre-approved lists by a group of
                  A panel first must survey Iraq's oil industry and
                  improvements. The current limit of $300 million every
six months
                  can be lifted. 

                  Annan is to recommend options for allowing oil
companies to
                  invest in Iraq. But the council will not make a
decision on
                  his proposals until sanctions are suspended. 

                  IMPORTS INTO IRAQ 

                  The resolution would immediately streamline procedures
                  importing foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medical
                  agricultural equipment and educational items into
                  A list of approved goods would be drawn up without
                  each item for approval to the Security Council's
                  committee, as at present. But suppliers would still be
                  from a U.N. escrow account into which the oil revenues
                  deposited. Annan is to recommend how some of the oil
                  can be used for purchases of goods produced in Iraq. 

                  AIR TRAVEL 

                  Iraq, under an air embargo, can fly planes in the
                  the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah, after
                  the Security Council. 

                  SANCTIONS SUSPENSION 

                  Once a new arms control commission is organized and
                  sanctions could be suspended by a vote of the Security
                  after UNMOVIC reports Iraq has made progress on key
                  tasks and cooperated with inspectors during a 120-day
test period.
                  The precise level of progress or cooperation is left
                  vague in the resolution. 

                  Any suspension would have to be renewed every 120
days. If arms
                  officials say Iraq is not cooperating, the suspension
of the
                  sanctions expires on the fifth day after their
negative report
                  unless the council decides otherwise. 

                  The suspension will cover imports and exports of
civilian goods.
                  But the suspension of other sanctions, including air
travel or
                  financial transactions, has not been determined yet.
                  Financial controls to make sure Iraq cannot import
weapons will
                  be worked out among council members over the next
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