The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Suggestion for a CASI campaign

Please give feedback on the following campaign suggestion for CASI. If
you're interested in helping, please say so. If you think the
suggestion stinks or needs to be modified, please say so as well.

1. Put together a list of US/UK writers and celebrities (perhaps other
countries as well) who have demonstrated an interest in social issues.

2. Construct a package for each of them consisting of:
(a) a personal letter tactfully suggesting that the writer/celebrity
use his/her sphere of influence to raise awareness of sanctions against
(b) a fact sheet/pamphlet drawn up by members of CASI,
(c) copies of important primary sources (e.g. the latest UNICEF
reports) and
(d) a request for a donation and a signature towards anti-sanctions
advertisements in popular newspapers in the UK/US.

3. Try to organise anti-sanctions advertisements in a few popular UK/US

4. Aim to carry this out within the next month or two.

Nathan Geffen

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