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[casi-analysis] Newsletter of the BRussells Tribunal

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Newsletter of the BRussells Tribunal

The format of the hearing
Fundraising and Finance

List of participants
Provisional Schedule
Charter of the BRussells Tribunal


We know it is high time for some news from Brussels, but we waited till things were more or less 
getting shaped. We had a fundraising, information and support event on December the 8th at Les 
Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels, which turned out to be a real success. Several speakers, people of 
fame, were stressing the importance of the initiative. Following this event, many more 
organizations joined the project and signed the platform text. We are now having a really broad 
platform of Belgian NGO's, peace organisations and cultural institutions (see our website for 
names). Besides this we are member of the World Tribunal on Iraq which is a large network supported 
by many organisation of the World Social forum. There will actually be a hearing on Iraq in Mumbai 
in January. We will be represented there.


As we are getting closer to the date of the hearing (14th-17th April), we are attempting to make a 
final schedule of the Tribunal and we would like to let you know who recently accepted to 
participate at this day. We are very happy to announce that Hans von Sponeck, UN assistant 
secretary general for Iraq till 2000, and Denis Halliday, UN assistant secretary general for Iraq 
till 1998, will be collaborating. We are really glad Scott Ritter, former UN weapon's inspector in 
Iraq, has accepted to be a witness. And so has Eman Khammas, director of Occupationwatch in Iraq. 
Felicity Arbuthnot has accepted to be part of the prosecution team. Karen Parker has accepted to 
lead the prosecution.

To sum it all up, that gives the following repartition:

As Commission: prof. François Houtart (chairman), Nawal El Saadawi (Egyptian writer and feminist 
activist), Samin Amin (Egyptian theorist of neocolonialism) and Denis Halliday.

As witnesses we have: Tom Barry (Policy Director of the Interhemispheric Resource Center: IRC), 
Neil MacKay (Home Affairs and Investigations Editor of the Sunday Herald), Saul Landau 
(internationnaly-known scholar, author, commentator and film maker, affiliated with the California 
State Polytechnic University, Pomona), Michael Parenti (internationally known award winning author 
and lecturer), Immanuel Wallerstein (the historian of capitalism, author of the monumental The 
Modern World System), Jean Bricmont (a committed professor of theoretical physics of the Université 
Catholique de Louvan-La-Neuve), Geoffrey Geuens (assistant at the Communication and Information 
Section of the University of Liège, Belgium. Author of  Tous pouvoirs confondus- Etats, Capital et 
Médias à l'heure de la Mondialisation), Jacques Pauwels (history and Political Science analyst, 
author of: 'The Myth of the Good War- The USA in WWII), Michel Collon (author of Attention Médias 
and Liar's Poker), Armand Clesse (Director of the Luxemburg institute for European and 
International Studies) and Hans von Sponeck, who offered both options: to be member of the 
commission or witness. After consideration we would rather ask him to be a witness. As we have his 
collegue Denis Halliday in the commission. Scott Ritter has just accepted to come and testify.

As prosecutors we propose: Karen Parker, Felicity Arbuthnot,  and William Rivers Pitt¨(political 
analyst for the Institute for Public Accuracy, IPA, author of 'War in Iraq' and 'The Greatest 
Sedition is silence').

As Defense we will ask Robert Kagan and send an open invitation letter to the PNAC website itself 
(once we are just one step further with participants and schedule). We invited David Brooks in 
response of his article of january 7th in International Herald Tribune to come and show that all 
that is said on neocons and PNAC is fantasies. In case no one shows up or even when they do, Jim 
Lobe, one of the utmost specialists on PNAC, has proposed to take up the defense as 'amicus curiae'.

[Biographies can be found on our website

The Format of the hearing

We have decided to take the concept of 'tribunal' in one of its senses: a commission of inquiry. We 
will adapt the form of a parliamentary hearing or commission of investigation like the Hutton 
commission, not only because: a) we have no real legal power; b) we want to avoid a mock tribunal, 
a people's court of which the outcome is known beforehand and c) most important, because our topic 
is not strictly legal. But for reasons of drama and exchange of arguments we have kept a 
prosecution team and a defense. Prof Klein, legal specialist, has made a concise charter for this 
hearing, which is pasted below.

The oral testimonies will be based on written testimonies, that are added to the dossierThey will 
be published in the proceedings for which we are building a consortium of editors. (Proposed title: 
The New Imperial World Order. Proceedings of the BRussells Tribunal on the 'Project for the New 
American Century' and the War in Iraq). The idea is that the concise oral testimonies are a summary 
of the essence of the text(s). For each theme there is one hour: 30 min for the testimony and 30 
minutes for questioning by the prosecution, the defense and the commission. If we have two 
witnesses for a specific theme, then they have each 20 minutes to speak and then questioning time 
is reduced to 20 minutes. We will have to be concise as we have only two days for the hearing 
properly speaking (third day being for conclusions). We have attempted to finalize somewhat the 
provisional schedule sketch of the Tribunal (pasted below).

Fundraising and finance

PLATFORM: Part of the funds come from the supporting organizations, NGO's and Cultural 
Institutions. They are asked to donate 1000 Euro and/or help with communication and logistics. (you 
can download the support form on the website and send it back to us)

WAP: we have launched a WAP mail action: Wealthy Angry People all around the world. They are asked 
to support the Tribunal through a financial contribution of 100 Euro. (you can download and forward 
the WAP-letter from the website).

Postcards: We printed a few thousand postcards to sell at 1 Euro by individuals and organizations. 
Some few thousands more are currently being ordered. (you can see the funny postcard on the website 
and order via the underneath e-mail adress, from 10 onwards).


How to communicate from now on: For any information (bibliography of the speakers, actions, 
platform text, endorsing list, support form, WAP- and postcard action) on the project you can check 
our website on: and send all you requests on:

That was it. Best wishes for this new year, and hoping for your moral, logistic and financial 

The BRussells Tribunal Committee


1. The list of collaborators:

Commission members (confirmed)

François Houtart (Chairman)
Samir Amin
Nawal El Saadawi
Denis Halliday

Prosecution team
Felicity Arbuthnot
Karen Parker
William Rivers Pitt (to be confirmed)

Witnesses (confirmed)
Tom Barry
Jean Bricmont
Armand Clesse
Michel Collon
Neil MacKay
Saul Landau
Jacques Pauwels
Geoffrey Geuens
Michael Parenti
Immanuel Wallerstein
Scott Ritter
Hans Von Sponeck
Eman Khammas

Jim Lobe
___________________________________________________ 2 Updated Provisional schedule

[Wednesday 14.04.03]:

Press conference

11. 00: Press conference at the Beursschouwburg

Opening of the Brussells tribunal

20.00: -Introduction: history of this hearing and its place within the World Tribunal on Iraq
-Opening by the chairman
-Introducing subject and approach of the Brussels hearing
-Statement by members of the commission
-Introduction to the linked cultural events

Day 1 [Thursday 15.04.03]:

The Project for the New American Century:
The Blueprint of the New Imperial World Order

9.00: Opening of the court by the chairman of the comission of inquiry
9.30: Presenting the Project for the New American Century (PNAC),
its influence on and presence in the Bush administration (William Rivers Pitt, prosecutor)*

10.30: Premptive Empire: How America became an Empire instead of a Republic (Saul Landau)

11.30: coffee break

12.00: Rebuilding America's defenses: Close reading of the PNAC and Neocon ideology. The blueprint 
of the New Imperial World Order and the Militarisation of the World (Neil Mckay)

13.00: Lunch break

14. 30: "The power complex": Historical context of (neo)conservative think tanks in the US.
PNAC and the Network of neoconservative think tanks (Tom Barry)

15.30: "All powers fused": Economic ties of PNAC with the petrochemical industry and the military 
industrial complex (Geoffrey Geuens)

16.30: coffee break

17.00: "Benevolent hegemony"? The neoconservative policy as a break with longstanding standards of 
US foreign policy (written testimony by Immanuel Wallerstein)

18.00: "The Rulers of the world": Geopolitical strategies behind the New Imperial War Policy [on 
the record of US military interventions; its underlying consistency and success; the rational 
(investment and systemic) interests; and how these apply to PNAC and developments in Iraq] (Michael 

19.00: End of the sessions of day 1.

20.30: Supporting Cultural evening at The Beursschouwburg

Day 2 [Friday 16.04.03]

Pnac policies and the war in iraq

09.30: "Divide et impera": PNAC-politics in the historical context the Middle East policy of the US 
(Iraqi witness)

10.30: Economical strategy behind the War in Iraq (case Halliburton and Kellog Brown & Root in 
Iraq?) (Jacques Pauwels)

11.30: coffee break

12.00: "Pre-emptive strike": the war against Iraq, the UN and internatinal law
(Hans von Sponeck)

13.00: Lunch break

14.30: "Weapons of mass deception": The UN inspections and the premeditated war. (Scott Ritter)

15.30: The strategic and collateral consequences of PNAC policies on the ground in Iraq (during the 
invasion, use of Depleted Uranium, cluster bombing against civilians, the looting and the 
occupation) (Eman Khammas)

16.30: coffee break

17.00: Plea of the defense (representative of PNAC or 'amicus curiae', Jim Lobe)

18.00: Speech of the prosecution team: responsibilities of PNAC and its members in the Bush 
administration in the decision process which led to the illegal invasion of Iraq and the war crimes 
that ensued.

19.00: Closing of the tribunal by the President

19.30: End of the second day

20.30: Supporting Cultural Evening at the Beursschouwburg

Day 3 [Saturday 17.04.03]:


09.30: Closed session for the commission: discussing conclusions
15.00: Press conference: pre- release of the commissions findings
19.00 - 2 am: Artists against the New Imperial World Order (at Les Halles)
21.30: Public Declaration of the Findings of the Commission
3. BRussels Tribunal's Charter:



CONSIDERING that in 1997 a Washington (D.C.) think-tank was founded, the "Project for the New 
American Century" (PNAC), aimed at promoting "American leadership worldwide";

MINDFUL that in 2000 and 2001, reports have been adopted in the framework of PNAC, which proclaim 
that American hegemony should be realised by a tremendous growth in the defense budget; "by 
fighting and decisvely winning, multiple simultaneous major theater wars"; by deterring all 
potential competing powers and by permanent military presence all over the planet, particularly in 
the Gulf;

TAKING NOTE that crucial elements of the doctrine put forward in the framework of PNAC have been 
officially endorsed by the US administration, especially in the "National Strategy Security" 
approved by President George W. Bush in September 2002;

PREOCCUPIED by the fact that the National Security Strategy has provided the conceptual framework 
within which the "preventive war" fought against Iraq in 2003 has been decided and carried out, 
whereas there was no legal basis for this war in the United Nations Charter or Security Council 
Resolution 1441;

WORRIED by the disastrous impact of the war against Iraq on the Middle-East Region and in the Arab 
world, by the instability it has brought to international relations and all the disastrous 
implications for the entire planet;

ALARMED by the threats that the PNAC and National Security Strategy may hold for the future, and by 
the fact that other "preventive wars" may be decided and carried out in the near future against 
so-called "rogue States" or other States perceived to be a threat to US national security; and

WILLING to assess the risks and threats that the abovementioned US policies may hold for the world 
in the years to come in an extensive and informed manner,

The BRussells Tribunal Committee have resolved as follows :


It is hereby decided to establish an international Commission of inquiry, under the name "The 
Brussells Tribunal" (hereinafter "the Tribunal"), aiming at developing an in-depth understanding 
and knowledge of the PNAC and of the United States National Security Strategy, as well as assessing 
the risks and threats that those policies may hold for international peace and security in the 
future. The hearing is part of the World Tribunal on Iraq, a series of hearings and tribunals with 
final session in Istanbul.


The Tribunal shall be composed of 7 members of high moral reputation. In the selection of Tribunal 
members, attention will be paid to an adequate representation of various parts of the world.


In the performance of its duties, the Tribunal will be assisted by the following organs :

1. A Registry. The Registry shall be responsible for the administration and servicing of the

2. Prosecutor, and two Assistant-Prosecutors,

3. Counsel for defense.


1. The Tribunal shall conduct public hearings in Brussels, Belgium, between the 14th and the 17th 
of April, 2004.

2. The Tribunal shall hear witnesses who shall provide information on various aspects of PNAC and 
the National Security Strategy. The testimony of each witness may not exceed 30 minutes.

3. Witnesses shall be examined and cross-examined, in turn, by the Prosecutor and by Counsel for 
defense. Questions may be put to the witnesses by members of the Commission. The purpose of 
examination, cross-examination and questioning is to contribute to the analysis, understanding and 
dissemination of information concerning PNAC and NSS, and to put at the disposal of the Tribunal as 
comprehensive information as possible on all aspects of these policies and their consequences.


After the hearing of all witnesses, the Tribunal shall recede in closed session in order to reach 
its final conclusions on the issues submitted to it. The Tribunal's conclusions shall be presented 
orally at the end of the session. The conclusions shall also be presented in writing, and 
publicized widely, among the media, politicians, intergovernmental organizations, NGO's, etc.

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